TRENDING: Wildly conflicting reports filed about Beck rally crowd size (via CNN Political Ticker)

I read this earlier, and I appreciate the attempts at assessing the crowd size at the Beckoning using scientific methods. However, I didn’t appreciate many of the comments. As a matter of fact, I ended up with a bad headache as a result, and maybe next time I’ll just skip that part.

TRENDING: Wildly conflicting reports filed about Beck rally crowd size A view of the ‘Restoring Honor’ crowd. (PHOTO CREDIT: Simon Hernandez-Arthur /CNN) Washington (CNN) — If you’ve ever tried to guess how many jelly beans are inside a huge jar, you have some idea what it’s like to estimate crowds at massive Washington D.C. rallies. But the stakes in Washington are far higher, with the estimates politically charged and highly controversial. U.S. Park Police, burned by previous controversies, no longer makes them. … Read More

via CNN Political Ticker

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